Miranda Winters is a song-writer and musician best known for her role as the indomitable vocalist / guitarist of Chicago powerhouse, Melkbelly. Drawing on deep roots as a song-writer in Chicago DIY, Winters continues to evolve a signature sound by pursuing her music as a solo artist. "Xobeci, What Grows Here?" (2018) is a collection of songs that display her writing in a notably stark and unadorned setting. A handful of stripped-down tracks are stitched between musical interludes and low-fi field recordings to manifest the unmistakeable aesthetic Winters has become known for: infectious noise pop that is simultaneously ominous and ethereal.
Sooper Releases by Miranda Winters
Latest Release
Miranda Winters
Miranda Winters
Xobeci, What Grows Here?
SR 30
June 15, 2018
June 15, 2018

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Artist Bio

Miranda Winters is a song-writer and musician best known for her role as the indomitable vocalist / guitarist of Chicago powerhouse, Melkbelly. Drawing on deep roots as a song-writer in Chicago DIY, Winters continues to evolve a signature sound by pursuing her music as a solo artist. "Xobeci, What Grows Here?" (2018) is a collection of songs that display her writing in a notably stark and unadorned setting. A handful of stripped-down tracks are stitched between musical interludes and low-fi field recordings to manifest the unmistakeable aesthetic Winters has become known for: infectious noise pop that is simultaneously ominous and ethereal.